One of the primary catalysts for my journey into photography stemmed from an intense desire to convey my innermost self through the medium of art. It became a vital escape from what I considered my mundane reality, providing me with an expressive outlet that was both liberating and therapeutic. In the face of dark and challenging times, especially during the lockdown period, photography and the arts emerged as my steadfast companions, offering a positive means of creative expression.

Undoubtedly, the arts hold immense significance for our mental well-being. This significance isn't limited to the act of creating art for oneself but extends to the experience of art as a spectator, whether it be in the hallowed halls of galleries, the quiet sanctuaries of museums, or even through the digital realm. It allows viewers a respite from the rigors of reality, inspiring them and providing a visual, creative, and uplifting avenue for escape. The profound impact of art and photography on our mental health cannot be overstated, as they serve to mitigate negative emotions, facilitate the processing of feelings, reduce stress and anxiety, bolster self-esteem, and promote self-discovery.

My project titled "Penumbra" was conceived as a form of therapeutic escapism during the darkest months. Crafting this body of work became a positive and creative exercise for my mind, transforming the banal aspects of everyday life into visually enchanting and romantic observations. Exposure to art, be it in the form of the natural world or through art that interprets nature, has the remarkable ability to enhance our physical and mental well-being. Reflecting upon my creative journey, I cannot fathom where I would be today without the profound impact of photography and the visual arts. They have provided me with an enriching and constructive outlet throughout my personal and creative life.